The NGA, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, is the agency that is tasked with monitoring Earth from above using algorithms. John Ramirez, a retired GS-15 CIA officer, has confirmed that at least one intelligence agency within the United States Government has expressed interest in the appearance of crop circles. As Ramirez has expressed, in the video below, there is no more manual review of images from space and that everything is now automated through algorithms.
Here’s additional proof to what John Ramirez said in the interview; direct from the NGA website below is information regarding the reward for the algorithm to detect circles in the imagery from space. You may find the Circle Finder Competition still posted on the website.

NGA awarded FIVE (5) winners as the result of the competition. According to John Ramirez, a few of these winners were not Americans but where in fact Russian nationals. You may view the PDF of the news clip published for the winner announcement here; NGA announces 5 winners in $50K in Circle Finder competition
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